
domingo, 12 de mayo de 2024

La Magia del Rey Salomón - Documental - 4K - VHS RIP SUB ESP

The magical rituals demonstrated in this video are performed by practicing magicians not professional actors these rights were recorded inside an actual magical Temple not on a Hollywood Sound Stage the techniques shown are authentic and very effective viewers are warned against casual experimentation with these methods mind-altering substances should never be used in connection with this practice only mature persons in good mental and physical health should undertake these activities this system should be approached with the same respect one would Accord to a full contact martial art this documentary is offered to the
(01:03) public as an educational introduction to an ancient Western tradition of psychospiritual development that has been misunderstood and maligned practitioners of Solomon's magic are not satanists who make pacts with the devil they are spiritual explorers in the Deep caverns of the Mind carrying with them the lamp of wisdom and and armed with the power of God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
(02:16) these be the 72 Mighty Kings and princes which King Solomon commanded into a vessel of brass together with their Legions and it is to be noted that Solomon did this because of their pride and when he had bound them up and sealed The Vessel he by divine power did hurl them into the depths of the lake in Babylon I'm poke ran I'm a cultural Anthropologist and a ceremonial magician for the past 25 years I've been studying and practicing our own cultures unique and Powerful form of shamanism while other anthropologists have completely ignored it I've been fortunate enough to ReDiscover and reconstruct the actual techniques of
(03:06) ancient Western ceremonial magic in this video documentary we're going to take you along on an expedition to a strange World in many ways more mysterious than the upper reaches of the Amazon but a lot closer to home for the very first time we're going to show you the actual methods by which Wizards and warlocks of olden times invoked Holy Angels and evoked lesser spirits to visible appearance and even had conversations with them what you're going to see is real these techniques are just as effective today as they were a thousand years ago these methods have nothing to do with mind altering drugs and you don't
(03:56) even need any special psychic Talent these are the secrets of a lost art that anyone with imagination and determination can Master my personal magical Adventure started back in 1969 at that time I was a reclusive Bachelor eeking out a living writing Pulp Fiction for paperbacks and men's magazines after years of pounding a typewriter while chain smoking and constantly drinking coffee my chronic indigestion finally turned into gut-wrenching stomach pains the condition was misdiagnosed as an ulcer now at that time ulcers were thought to be psychosomatic so being a macho former Green Beret I wasn't about to become Casper and have to eat milk
(04:49) toast no neurotic disease like an ulcer was going to change my lifestyle so I set out to heal myself through mastering self- hypnosis in desperation I learned the art quickly and was able to suppress the pain but then it would come back and it would be even worse and I I took myself about as deep into trance as anyone has ever gone but I could not heal that ulcer because as the doctors finally discovered when I was almost dead I was carrying within me a gallbladder that had turned to Solid Rock in the latter stages of my illness I was in a state that I now realize was a toxic psychosis in my desperate attempt to
(05:39) cure myself I had gone beyond self hypnosis into the study of Tibetan tantric yoga and finally to what was at that time the least known and most forbidden of all the spiritual paths Western ritual Magic I had been studying books about Western ceremonial magic and even the old grimo themselves the medieval key of Solomon and the more notorious Goa of the latan the so-called lesser key which cataloged and described the 72 Genie of the Arabian Knights That Old King Solomon had imprisoned in a fabulous brass vessel in my irrational State I was totally convinced that there was a hidden truth behind this fantastic story
(06:35) like Aladdin's wonderful lamp or alibaba's open sesame there was a secret key to calling up those Mighty princes of the Jin that Solomon had imprisoned so long ago and I was determined to find it I studied the writings of the ancient and modern magicians they had filled their books with the most detailed instructions on how to build inscribe and decorate all the necessary equipment all the signatures of the spirits and even the hours during which to summon them conjurations and names of power were all set forth complete and ready to recite hear me and make all Spirits subject unto me so that every Spirit of
(07:22) the firmament and of the Aether upon the Earth and under the Earth on dry land and in the waters of whirling air and of rushing fire and every spell and Scourge of God may be obedient unto me wonderful powerful all you have to do is recite it aloud and you can feel the hair start to rise on the back of your neck but where how and in what form are these Spirits were summoning supposed to appear that one all important element how to make the spirit physically appear was always missing from the old grimo now I knew that over a dozen ancient and modern writers on Magic couldn't be involved in one big longstanding
(08:08) conspiracy that suppressed this final secret so it seemed obvious that at some time in the past the key to the magical art had been lost and the modern writers and experimenters just simply didn't know how it was done this suspicion turned out to be true at the turn of the last century the famous or if you prefer Infamous magician aliser Crowley had tried to conjure one of the laton's goaa demons out of incense smoke and not surprisingly he had very little success after a great deal of effort this did not surprise me trying to form an image or commanding a spirit to produce an image out of curling twisting smoke was
(08:52) more of an experiment in telekinesis than a vision from Beyond aliser cley did not possess the secret technique but he certainly understood the philosophy he stated clearly in his 194 edition of the GAA of the latan that the spirits of Solomon's brass vessel are portions of the human brain even though I might have been temporarily insane at the time I had lost none of my intellect I knew that magical Visions were certainly hypnotic in this respect Curley had been absolutely right Solomon's Genie would not come forth from Caverns beneath the Earth they would rise out of the nether reaches of the Deep Mind I noticed that the sigils
(09:41) of that the sigils of the latan goaa spirits were very similar to the VES of Caribbean Voodoo I had done extensive research on Voodoo for one of my adventure novels published in 1967 I knew the voodoo trance wherein the participant becomes possessed by the spirit was known to be hypnotic the focal point of these ceremonies was the V of the oon drawn on the ground and illuminated by candles somehow this symbolic signature helped to bring forth the vision at this point your high school science teacher might be saying well if all this magic is only in the mind weren't those old Wizards and even the modern magicians like that cowly fellow
(10:28) just using their imagination yes they certainly were but the human imagination inspired by its Divine Creator is the most powerful force in the universe a river of hopes and dreams that bears us all along on its flowing course from the beginning to the end of time from planet Earth out to the farthest star let us recall a few lines from the greatest of the Romantic Poets William wardsworth of shouting angels and the emperial Thrones I pass them unalarmed not chaos not the darkest pit of Lois to Reus or ought of Blinder vacancies scooped out by help of Dreams can breed such fear and awe as fall upon us when we look into our
(11:31) minds into the mind of man with that in mind let's look at the philosophy and the psychology that lies behind this powerful system to begin with we should not make the mistake of thinking that those old magicians were credulous and naive enough to believe that they could physically manifest the kind of heavenly glories and hellish Horrors that BOS and Blake depicted these artists like the Hollywood movie makers of today symbolize the subtle power of magic with intense and sometimes lurid physical images in magical operations the roof does not fly off as choirs of angels descend in blinding rays of light nor
(12:20) does the floor crack open to disgorge a hoorde of fire breathing demons the actual effects of magic are very powerful but they are also subtle and subjective as Cornelius agria one of the greatest of the Renaissance magicians explained there is another meaning than what is written in the bare letters about this magical art we must not look for the principle of these Grand operations outside of ourselves it is that internal Spirit within us which can very well perform whatsoever the Monstrous mathematicians the prodigious magicians the wonderful Alchemists and the bewitching necromancers can affect hrk Cornelius agria was certainly
(13:12) an honored philosopher in Magus but we should remember that King Solomon was considered to have been the wisest man who ever lived the wisdom of Solomon was proverbial therefore we should not be surprised to discover that Solomon's AR part of magic was actually an ancient system of psychology but before we assume the spirits of our brass vessel are merely a collection of private individual fantasies and yearnings we must remember that the ancient philosopher known as Hermes trismegistus called Thrice greatest Hermes declared in his famous Emerald Tablet true it is without falsehood certain and most true that that which is
(14:05) above is like to that which is below and that which is below is like to that which is above to accomplish the Miracles of one thing based upon this profound Revelation the Magi of classical times the later medieval Sorcerers and the Renaissance magicians believed that the human mind was a Minature function in model of the vast universe itself the greater Universe could be manipulated by magical operations within the personal sphere Hermes trus megistus had even gone so far as to suggest that in days of old men had created their own lesser Gods an ancient outmoded superstitious belief your high school science teacher
(14:55) might say well ancient yes but hardly obs after 2,000 years this strange statement by the original founder of hermetic philosophy was finally explained in modern terms by the eminent psychologist Carl gustoff Jung in the 1920s Yung presented his revolutionary theory that beneath and Beyond the personal subconscious mind there flowed a vast deep sea of dream images and forgotten lore he referred to this as the collective unconscious this mysterious psychic ocean was not the exclusive property of any individual human being it was a dimension shared by all of us here one might discover the great archetypes of Mythology the heroes the Beautiful
(15:51) cortison the martyred Saints and the Monstrous villains of our past here were the mysterious man-created gods which Hermes megistus had written about so long ago and here were the Demons of King Solomon's brass vessel yung's famous colleague Sigman Freud was quick to realize the significance of what Yung had discovered or rediscovered and Freud was horrified by it Carl he whispered you must not present s Ste to the public for if you do you will release a black flood of occultism but it would take more more than Carl Jung's archetype and Collective unconscious theories to release this flood of occultism that
(16:36) Freud feared theories by themselves do not produce results for results the magician still depends today as he did thousands of years ago on methods and techniques since time IM Memorial magicians have placed themselves and others into states of Trance during which visions and oracles were received we now know that this process was hypnotic and that all the phenomenon we have come to associate with modern hypnosis was in fact known and practiced by ancient Sorcerers under the guise of Fascination spellcasting and enchantment the powerful hypnotic effect achieved through a fixed Gaze on a reflective surface is the reason why the
(17:32) crystal ball or Sho Stone and the dark mirror or speculum were used by wizards of olden times as their spiritous locai the actual place where angels and Spirits could be conjured to visible appearance this was and still is a hypnotic process and yet the final secret of how to employ these magical AIDS was always missing with all the atmosphere the philosophy the paraphernalia the parul conjurations and the hypnotic effects a spontaneous Vision in the crystal or in the dark mirror always depended upon some special psychic ability one had to be a natural medium and for all my toxic fever dreams and my hypnotic experiments I had
(18:33) certainly become a Mystic but not a clairvoyant yet there had to be a way a way that anybody with the desire and the determination could summon these spirits to visible appearance and have conversation with them I tried placing a crystal ball in the Triangle but then when I stepped back inside the magic circle as the operator was supposed to do according to the ancient texts the 60mm ball appeared the size of a doorknob therefore I knew that the Crystal had to be used inside the circle for the invocation of the angels and yet we had to put something in that triangle something fascinating something hypnotic and something large enough to
(19:30) provide a viewing surface yes the speculum the dark mirror and what better entrance into those Caverns measur man the poet kidge had envisioned in his Mystic eye it had to be the dark mirror but how to use it how to make it actually work I asked myself and then something that I had read the year before jogged my memory something about the use of dark mirrors in the Far East the final clue had been sitting on my bookshelf all the time the book was called Tantra The Yoga of sex by Omar Garrison in this work the author described an ancient Oriental method of invoking the images of previous incarnation from the reflection of One's Own
(20:33) face in a dark mirror flank by candles as I reread this section in Garrison's book I felt a shiver of excitement I was experiencing the same thrill that an archaeologist must feel as he brushes away the sand and looks down at The Unbroken seal of an ancient Ro Royal tomb I tried Garrison's experiment and I found that it worked with remarkable Effectiveness if one stares in a darkened room into a mirror flanked by candles after several minutes a strange phenomenon will almost always occur The Familiar reflection will fade out the mirror will go black and then when the image
(21:39) returns it will be the face of someone or something else this ex a concept of reincarnation it probably went back as far as the Paleolithic when Stone Age people stared fascinated at their Reflections in dark still pools of water seeing the strange transformation occur and being convinced that they were in the presence of their gods I suspected that in a ritual setting using traditional conjurations as symbols specific spirits and even ancient gods and goddesses might be summoned from the other side this might well be the hidden meaning behind that strange passage in the Bible that reads God fashioned man in his own
(22:40) image I command the experience is usually accompanied by a profound sense of an otherworldly presence it was obvious that this phenomenon must have been discovered a long time before by the tetragramaton a Mar by which the elements are overturned the air is suered the fire is generated the Earth moves the sea rolls back on all the host of things Celestial of things terrestrial of things infernal do tremble and are confounded together come appear before this circle within that triangle in Fair and human form without horror or deformity and without delay come from whatever part of the
(23:45) world Thou Art and answer my questions come presently come visibly come affably and manifest that which I desire being summoned by the true and living God Elum I command thee by the particular King who rules over Thee the mighty ofon and by the power of the Archangel Raphael I command thee appear before me and speak unto me in a clear intelligible voice in my mother tongue free from ambiguity and Gile come in the name of Adon eyes come why thou ter Adon hi your die King of Kings commands thee I've not been dead but only
(24:53) sleeping hardly longer than a wink I'll be up and rolling thunder once I have another [Laughter] drink after this discovery the use of the magic mirror in an elevated triangle seemed obvious this 17th century lamatan manuscript clearly shows a large black fil old Circle in the center of Solomon's triangle notice that the instructions written around the triangle say two foot off from the circle and three foot over not 3 foot across as the published version has it the triangle was intended to be raised up to ey level and this drawing from a 16th century manuscript by the mysterious Dr Thomas Rudd shows a mirror on a stand
(25:58) and with Solomon's secret seal from the goaa of the latan clearly depicted on the reverse side exactly like my original setup we know that polished obsidian mirrors were used in the Neolithic middle eastern city of katal hauk as far back as 9,000 years ago before the great flood and later in the time of Solomon the Egyptians and the Canaanites made mirrors of polished copper and of silver metals attributed to the planet Venus and the moon I extended my experiments to include others and I soon discovered that it was even more effective if the magician stood behind a passive receiver who could then concentrate totally on
(26:53) the mirror under the power the Archangel Warrior through the angel Mel in the realm of the king Zonar the byis I am here what do you desire me so I had the secret like Dr Frankenstein I had learned how to do it but even though I may have been as obsessed as the fictional Dr Frankenstein I didn't want to make his mistake before I opened the brass vessel and released these Spirits into the world again I wanted to fully understand the philosophical and spiritual significance of a system that had been
(27:59) such a closely guarded secret for so many thousands of years I had to ask myself was it possible that there might be slumbering demons in our past that as the late Howard Phillips Lovecraft had suggested might better be left unawakened how had the beautiful goddess aarte and her handsome consort Prince Ball the Thunder God been transformed into demons in the medieval forbidden books of black magic I found the answers to these questions in the mysterious long lost biblical Book of Enoch in those mythical prehistoric times before the great flood The Book of Enoch tells of a war in heaven in which God and His loyal host of angels led by
(29:04) the Archangel Michael were arrayed against a horde of rebellious Angels who had lusted after the daughters of men and had descended to Earth where they were breeding a race of Giants and were teaching humans The Forbidden secrets of sorcery and Magic The Book of Enoch goes on to relate that the four Great archangels Mikael Raphael Gabrielle and Oriel came down and imprisoned these Fallen Angels at the Four Corners of the Earth where they became known as the Watchers Jewish Christian and Islamic theologies retained the traditional loyal angels of heaven especially those four great beings who rule the quarters of the universe Raphael Mikael Gabrielle
(29:57) and Orel that they had no place for the gods and goddesses of the ancient Pagan religions they had conquered and so the rabbis the priests and the imams practiced a slight of hand trick and reclassified the homeless but not forgotten Pagan deities as those same Fallen Angels who were already chained in deep pits at the ends of the Earth thus their greatest rival the Canaanite Thunder God Prince ba became the demon Beil first among the ranks of the Fallen who was said to appear as a cat a toad or a man or all three at once and to Grant the power of invisibility Prince bal's beautiful consort the goddess estarte Queen of
(30:51) Heaven and Mistress of the Temple of love was transformed into the demon asteroth described as a hurtful angel with bad breath but who when summoned would reveal the true history of the Fallen Angels and she certainly has fulfilled that promise this prehistoric myth of the Fallen Angels laid the foundation for a middle eastern legend about the biblical King Solomon who was said to have been the greatest magician of ancient times according to our Legend Solomon armed with the power of God's holy angels bound and sealed those 72 rebellious Spirits or Genie into the brass vessel from which he called them forth to do
(31:39) his bidding even to assist him in building the great and holy Temple at Jerusalem but can our fantastic Legend have any truth behind it are we really seeing these ancient gods and goddesses who became the Fallen Angels in the dark mirror in our Magic Triangle go are the strange voices that speak through our lips during the magical channeling process really coming from these deities and demons of the dim past have we actually opened that lost portal between the worlds and if so can these powerful Genie be commanded to reveal hidden knowledge and accomplish wonderful things well the only way you're going to know
(32:30) for certain is to look into the dark mirror yourself but I warn you unless you take Solomon's magic very seriously you should have nothing to do with these experiments this ancient art is not a party game or a Halloween prank there is no place in the magic circle for the dabbler or the thrill seeker every aspect of this system spiritual psychological and Technical must be thoroughly understood before these experiments are undertaken like Knights of olden times magicians must be trained armed and armored before they go on a quest into the spirit realm first you should know that the magic circle is your philosophical
(33:23) Fortress when you open the Gateway between the worlds it repres reprs the perfect circle of the vast universe and The Unbroken boundary of your own being which are one and the same when you practice Solomon's art As Above So Below as within so without you should know that even back in ancient times the triangle represented the philosophical first plane of manifestation it acts as a cage containing and restraining the spirits you evoke for the moment let us imagine that we are participating in the original Act of Creation back at the dawn of time out in the vast reaches of cosmic space first we will create just one
(34:13) point next we or God will establish a second point and connect it to the first so that we have a line then when we plot our third point we have our triangle Ang Le the first flat surface now when we create point 4 we have the first solid we have created a thing and as long as we refrain from establishing five setting our thing in motion we will constrain our creation to remain in its position we will keep our spirit within the triangle traditionally the name of the archangel mikai L the angel of power was separated into three syllables m i c h e l and written in the corners of the triangle to add a visual emphasis to the
(35:11) symbolic geometry that bound the spirit you must understand this concept thoroughly before you open Solomon's brass vessel and release the genie it matters not whether you are a Christian a Jew a Muslim or even a pagan these these archangels are very much a part of our Western tradition they represent the positive forces that drive the engine of the universe and the love that holds it all together in the order of the Temple of estarte we conceive and visualize them as complimentary male and female beings for angels can appear in any form they wish or any suitable form that your imagination can provide for
(35:56) them they activate your magic circle of protection casting your circle with a pentagram ritual before each operation is certainly important but that alone is not enough the great archangels must live in your mind and in your heart you must have them inside as well as outside temp as Deus this is the very first time we have ever permitted cameras into the inner sanctum of the order of the Temple of thearte notice the names of the Great archangels of the quarters in Phoenician around the magic circle you will hear these same names invoked in the traditional pentagram ritual that precedes and follows every magical
(37:00) operation but I say again the pentagram ritual by itself is not enough you have to have these four great archangels of the quarters indwelling within you and ready to help you control the rebellious Spirits otherwise opening the brass vessel would be like opening Pandora's Box which according to the ancient Greek m my released evil into the world and then could not be reclosed therefore you must first Master the art of angelic invocation before you proceed to its darker counterpart the evocation of Solomon 72 Spirits along with the secret of the mirror in the Triangle Ang Le the other crucially important element missing from
(38:01) the goaa was the fact that the 72 spirits of the brass vessel had 72 direct counterparts in the Holy Angels of the shemam farash or extended name of God now these derived or suffix angels are not as personified as the archangels of the quarters or the angels of the planetary spheres but they do provide a direct channel of power through which the four archangels of the quarters control each and every one of the spirits of the brass vessel unless this concept is understood and inte integrated into your goetic operations you were on spiritually Dangerous Ground these shemam farash
(39:05) angels even have their own sigils and there is a short invocation for each one of them the careful operator should use both and before anyone in the order of the Temple of estarte is allowed to participate in goetic operations we insist that they experience a series of four archangelic invocations so how do we invoke the archangels well there's another book in the latan compendium that probably should have been published with the goasa it's called the almadel of Solomon and gives us a very effective method for in and by that I mean calling down the Angels the original almadel was a tabletop device made entirely of wax
(39:56) this was an ingenious design the square slab of wax had holes at Each corner through which the four candles were inserted leaving enough length below to raise the little platform high enough so that a small incense burner could be placed beneath it from where the incense fumes could rise through another set of holes to envelop the crystal shoe Stone in mysterious tendrils of fragrant smoke thus adding to the hypnotic effect as with the goaa the secrets of the almadel were not clearly explained in the Lattin I had to use equal measures of scholarship and inspiration to reconstruct and fine-tune the system but the effort was certainly worth the
(40:43) trouble because the almadel Angels control the Goa Spirits I know that statement may be surprising to some magical Scholars who never looked beyond to quote Cornelius agria again what is writt in the bare letters the almadel angels are not arranged in an ascending hierarchy they are attributed to the four quarters and the 12 signs of the zodiac with each of the four quarters governing the three astrological signs particular to its nature in other words the signs of air fire water and Earth which we know are governed by the four Great archangels of the quarters Raphael m Gabriel and Orel realizing this we can simply
(41:32) disregard the late 17th century hod podge of garbled Angelic names the latan Scribe has attributed to these altitudes and thus restore the almadel system to its full power and purpose as shown here in our Master mandala each of the four Great archangels of the quarters Empower three sets of six shemam farash Angels who in turn control three sets of six counterpart graaa Spirits which are distributed two to each of the 36 deckin or 10 degree divisions of an astrological sign this occurs in similar order all around the Zodiac if you find this confusing at first glance you can study the master mandala in the companion book to this
(42:21) video The Book of Solomon's magic the design may appear complicated but it is actually quite quite simple and easy to work with you will note that our modern almadel is combined with the traditional double Cube altar we have shielded the candles at the Four Corners and an incense chamber below has been added with slots cut around the central Compass rows to allow the rising smoke to surround our Crystal shoe Stone which is placed on our Master mandala that unifies the gaasa and almadel systems in one all-encompassing design notice that we placed low stools around the foot of the altar so that four or more people may sit and gaze up
(43:06) at the smoke shrouded crystal haloed in spectral light with nothing else in their field of vision now let's see how this works in actual practice before every magical operation whether of invocation or evocation we open our Circle and call down the archangelic guardian of the quarters with a Golden Dawn style invoking ritual of the Lesser pentagram and at the conclusion of the ceremony we will employ the banishing version of the same right to close and seal the Gateway between the Worlds at malaba [Music] ahha oh
(44:25) Adonai aha before me Raphael behind me Gabriel at my right hand Mikel at my left hand Orel around us Flame the pentagrams above us shines the sixr star ataba [Music] leol we call thee great archangel rafhael in the name of
(45:32) [Music] tetragramaton come to us oh guardian of the Eastern quadrant Master teacher loving healer wielder of the sword of truth and Lord of the aial realm come we beseech thy presence here upon this h table shine forth from this pcid Crystal grant us a glimpse of thy glory and The Whisper of thy [Music] wisdom as the soft chanting continues each person around the circle will invoke in his or her turn until the altar top is haloed with an electric
(46:38) blue aura of Astral energy shut through with gold and Rays of light then you know you are on Holy Ground and the angel may speak through any one of you you may not see Raphael in the Crystal but you will certainly sense his presence you will feel his power and his voice will speak within [Music] you until you have made such a connection and established such a bond with all four of the archangels you must not Venture further into the darker Realms of Solomon's magic great Archangel male guardian of the Southern quadrant Master of the Sacred lands Warrior and Defender lord of the realm of fire come grant us a measure of thy power and
(47:43) a warning of any dangers that might lie before us great Archangel Gabriel guardian of the western quadrant Lady of the waters and Mistress of the Holy Grail Quicken within us the faculties of sympathy and of intuition grant us a glimpse of thy Mystic Grace and an Oracle from thy vast dark ocean of [Music] understanding great Archangel arel guardian of the northern quadrant Lady of the Earth and Mistress of the Holy Pentacle of art bring us in harmony with Nature's cycle and make fertile all our just desires bestow upon us thy love and lead us unto thy Treasures in the name ofai
(48:52) [Music] GL GL [Music] [Music] GL glor [Music] remember you're invoking these angels not evoking them evocation means bringing something out of yourself invocations like praying you're calling them down from above you're inviting them to visit you you're asking them for their help so you shouldn't command them and you certainly shouldn't banish them after the operation is over you thank them you ask them to come
(49:56) again and you bid them hail and farewell now that we have the four Great archangels of the quadrants firmly on our side we're ready to open Solomon's brass vessel and call forth the genie to appear in the dark mirror on the triangle of art as an example we're going to summon the spirit asteroth who is described in the goaa as a great and powerful Duke whose lmen is to be made out of copper copper is the metal attributed to the planet Venus this is appropriate because the spirit asteroth is actually the ancient Canaanite goddess starte therefore we will operate as if we are evoking her in the seventh cabalistic sphere of
(50:49) netak with the understanding that all operations of the the Goa take place in the lunar sphere of Yad remember each sphere contains its own tree of life complete this concept is not difficult to grasp if we think of the Moon as a silver mirror through which all the multicolored Lights of the higher spheres are reflected and keeping this in mind we should always perform our evoc when the moon is waxing pay very close attention to every detail of what you're about to see this is the first time a complete operation of goetic thury has ever been visually recorded we're going to call forth the spirit asteroth who is actually a starte
(51:46) the Queen of Heaven and the patron goddess of our Temple it was in her honor and through her inspiration that I founded the order of the Temple of estarte in 1970 to properly teach Solomon's magic to worthy students of the art we have continued this tradition in an unbroken continuity for 25 years initiating and instructing over a hundred here in our Temple after the Lesser pentagram which we have already demonstrated the operator should perform a planetary septagram ritual internalizing and then externalizing the cabalistic lunar sphere of Yad within which all coetic operations are encompassed [Music] [Music]
(52:42) [Music] AR rard sh I Alita sh I or
(54:08) sh in the name of the Archangel real I declare the gateway to the lunar sphere of your s is hereby open oh that the Mystic circum ulation commence seven turns de in the sphere of netak of [Music] [Applause] GL GL
(55:26) [Music] [Music] [Music] GL oh [Music] GL GL [Music] [Music]
(56:37) oh [Music] glor you [Music] [Music] Thee I invoke the bornless one thee that did create the earth and the heavens thee that did create the darkness and the light Thou Art Osiris and ois Osiris the beautiful whom no one hath seen at any any time thou Hast distinguished between the just and the unjust thou did make the female and the male thou did produce the seed and the fruit thou did form us to love one another and to hate
(57:40) one another I invoke Thee the terrible and invisible God who dwelleth in the void place of the spirit I am he the bornless spirit I am he the truth I am he who hates that evil should be wrought in the world I am he that brings the lightning and the Thunder I am he who showeth life upon the earth I am he The Grace Of The World the heart gir with the serpent is my name Come Thou forth and follow me and make all Spirits subject unto me so that every Spirit of the firmament and of the ather upon the Earth and under the Earth on dry land or in the water of whirling air or of rushing fire and every spell and Scourge
(58:27) of God may be obedient unto me domum Domin 2 GL we welcome you guys sarte we apologize for summoning you with such strong incantations but we hasten to declare that we command only that portion of you that dwells within us your higher presence we hold in true reverence and serve in all humility goddess do you have an oracle for us I have an oracle for all those who would seek me each Priestess must call me forth
(59:37) through her own image and in her own time it is enough that you have opened the gates now each one must make her own Sac Great Goddess a start time we thank thee for having attended our rights and granting our wishes and as we release your special presence to return to your lovely realm we ask that your essence remain stronger within us and we ask that you return to us when called by the rights of holy magic hail and farewell
(01:01:14) there are a few things I should mention about the ceremony you've just seen if you demand the presence of a spirit who is actually an ancient god or a god and you should apologize to them when they appear now the reason is this our ancestors transformed these ancient deities into demons and imprisoned them down in the brass vessel of the collective unconscious now you can treat them like medieval demons you can conjure them with powerful incantations you can use the curse of chains or you can torment them into coming by burning their sigils but then how do you think they're going to treat you remember they are part of you just
(01:02:10) as you are a part of the universal mind which we all share they appear from the collective unconscious through your reflection when you evoke them and they return to the Universal Mind through your image when they depart for this reason you should treat even the lowest of their number with respect and the gods and goddesses among them with veneration and for this reason you should never under any circumstances attempt to use this system of evocation to bring harm to any other person now the reason for this should be obvious but just to make sure you understand this would be magically similar to calling up your enemy on the
(01:03:03) telephone and then detonating a hand grenade inside your phone booth instead of his he may hear the explosion but you're the one who's going to get blown up you think about that and recall the proverbial wisdom of King Solomon remember that the genie of the brass vessel were charged with teaching us the Arts and the Sciences therefore we should use Solomon's magic to grow in wisdom and understanding we should use these secret methods to explore the inner Realms of the astral plane and to experience the glories of the angels and the wonders of the spirit realm if you use Solomon magic in God's name and with a pure heart you have
(01:04:00) nothing to fear and others should have no reason to fear you now that we've returned from our magical journey and you understand how Solomon's magic really works you might be asking yourself why is all this being revealed why are we showing you without initiation and training secret techniques that have have been closely guarded Through the Ages why have we shown you the actual equipment and how to use it well the truth is we really didn't want to reveal these techniques to the general public but in 25 years during which time I personally initiated and trained over a hundred students it's not surprising that our secrets would
(01:04:47) leak out at the present time there are several small groups presuming to teach our methods and a few years back a former member of our order self-published a partial and oversimplified version of our system which in turn became the authoritative source for a chapter on magical evocation in a beginning primer on ceremonial magic issued by a major publisher recalling the magical Misadventures of that world famous Mouse in Walt Disney's film Fantasia we might say that these Apprentice Sorcerers have opened the brass vessel and let out all the spirits which has compelled me to come down from my Wizard's Tower and show you
(01:05:48) how to get them all back in again I was responsible for the rediscovery and the modern development of the GAA almadel system we have explained and demonstrated in this video and because it's no longer a secret I now feel obligated to make the authentic and genuine system available to all sincere students who want to learn how to correctly practice this Ancient Art in closing please remember that Solomon's magic is a valid.

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